Ok, you asked for it and we listened. The smaller Some Like It Hot has been one of our most popular compact shoulder bags. But many of you asked for the exact same bag, "but bigger". So...here it is. And it seemed only appropriate to christen her - "Some Like It Hotter".
And just like her smaller sister, the Some Like It Hotter shoulder bag is the perfect compact bag for those who like to travel light and fast. Super slim yet with enough room to stow all your small valuables including a zippered inner pocket for your phone.
Made from vintage Hmong fabric, each bag is utterly unique - just like you.
With a thin leather strap, it can be worn either over-shoulder or cross-shoulder. And this time around, we've made the strap length easily adjustable. Or unclip the strap and use as a clutch.
Perfect for festivals or simply everyday use.
Approximate dimensions: 24.5cm wide and 22cm high.
Dust or wipe clean with a cloth dampened with water once a week. Be sure not to leave water spots on the surface. These water spots will dry and could possibly leave permanent marks.
Clean stains/spots using the following steps: Dampen a soft cloth with a mixture of hot water and liquid dishwashing detergent. Wring the cloth as much as possible to remove excess liquid. Rub the surface lightly in a circular motion. Dry the surface immediately with a clean, soft towel.