
Essential Oil – Ylang Ylang

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Ylang Ylang also known as “flower of flowers”. It is exported to the most exclusive makers of Italian perfumes. Spiritual practitioners claim that the users of Ylang Ylang are those who have been drawn to the oil, and who in turn, best suit it. In Indonesia, Ylang Ylang flowers are spread on the bed of newlywed couples. The oil is beneficial in softening and balancing the moisture of the skin.

Medicinal Properties: Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory
Other Uses: Massage, anxiety, hypertension, depression, hair loss
Aromatic Benefits: Cooling, balancing energies, enhances spiritual attunement, sensually stimulating
Aroma: Exotic, sweet, floral

In 10ml beautiful and unique glass bottles.

Love Generation has partnered with a family of masters in the art and alchemy of essential oils.  For four generations, since 1936, from Persia to Mysore, the family has passed their secrets down from father to son.

Love Generation Essential Oils are like no other oil you will find.  They are absolutely pure, potent and concentrated and, unlike many oils, completely undiluted by alcohol or carrier oils.

Just two drops is all you need for most applications!


Dust or wipe clean with a cloth dampened with water once a week. Be sure not to leave water spots on the surface. These water spots will dry and could possibly leave permanent marks.

Clean stains/spots using the following steps: Dampen a soft cloth with a mixture of hot water and liquid dishwashing detergent. Wring the cloth as much as possible to remove excess liquid. Rub the surface lightly in a circular motion. Dry the surface immediately with a clean, soft towel.